If MLK was a martyr what was the cause?


January 17, 2014 by mrmorriscivics

If MLK was a martyr what was the cause?

The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr was assassinated April 4, 1968 but why? For all of his great work on Civil Rights and ending segregation why was he killed? What were the issues and what is Dr. King’s legacy today? Is this still an important issue?

One thought on “If MLK was a martyr what was the cause?

  1. James Nguyen says:

    Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated because the U.S. government wanted to keep the blacks and white separated. They then made a plan to get an Army throw-away/convict to shoot MLK and clearly show it was him by “accidentally leaving his fingerprints and radio.”. It was a plan to kill MLK and not tell what the reason, but to make the people think it was because the man who shot him was just a person mad about what was going on.

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